Dexa Scan

Dexa Scan: Everything You Need to Know

A bone density test that is non-invasive is the Dexa scan. It evaluates bone mineral density and establishes the presence of fracture or osteoporosis in a patient. Spectral imaging is the main method used by Dexa Scan to generate accurate results. Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, or Dexa as it is commonly abbreviated, is a technique that uses two X-ray beams targeted at the bones. A Dexa scan can assess changes as little as 1% immediately, whereas a standard X-ray can detect anomalies in bone density (osteopenia) only after approximately 40% bone loss. As a result, it becomes a more accurate and potent bone mineral density test. Dexa scans can also be referred to as DXA scans, central Dexa scans, or bone densitometry scans.

Procedure for Dexa Scan

A Dexa scan is a relatively rapid and painless procedure. You will lie on a table and have your body scanned. The scanner emits two low-dose X-rays that travel through your soft tissues and bones. The scanner uses information on the amount of X-ray radiation absorbed by your bones to calculate your BMD.

The complete procedure usually takes less than ten minutes. You could be asked to remove your jewellery, belt, and shoes prior to the scan. Wearing a hospital gown could be an additional requirement.

Uses of Dexa Scan

There are several uses for Dexa scans, such as:

  • Osteoporosis diagnosis
  • Keeping track of how well osteoporosis treatment is working
  • Evaluating the fracture risk in individuals who do not yet have a high osteoporosis risk.
  • Assessing the osteoporosis severity
  • Organising surgery for osteoporosis patients
  • Measuring the amount of bone loss in patients suffering from specific diseases, including cancer or rheumatoid arthritis
  • Investigating osteoporosis causes and treatments

Why Get Dexa Scan?

A Dexa scan can predict the likelihood of a future fracture by identifying weak bones. A Dexa scan may occasionally be used to determine whether a patient needs to take medication (such as bisphosphonate) to prevent bone loss. The patient’s bone strength can be evaluated, diagnosed, and predicted with these scans. The most reliable bone mineral density test is, in essence, matching a baseline Dexa scan to a follow-up scan. Subsequently, follow-up scans can be carried out to determine the course of bone loss. It enables you to decide whether it is rising, falling, or staying the same.

Why is Dexa Scan Required?

Dexa scans are necessary for a number of reasons, most of which have to do with managing and assessing bone health and body composition. The following are the main justifications for the potential need for a Dexa scan:

  1. Diagnosis and monitoring of osteoporosis – Dexa scans and X-ray near me are frequently used to determine a person’s risk of fractures and to diagnose osteoporosis. The scan helps identify whether bone density is within the normal range or whether there is severe bone loss by assessing bone mineral density (BMD). The outcomes can inform treatment choices and track the long-term efficacy of therapies.
  2. Assessment of fracture risk – Dexa scans offer important insights into a person’s fracture risk. Fractures are significantly more likely in those with low bone density, particularly in older persons. Healthcare professionals can identify patients who are more likely to fracture by using the T-score obtained from the scan to guide the implementation of treatments and preventive measures.
  3. Evaluation of body composition – Dexa scans can evaluate body composition by determining the amount of lean mass and body fat in addition to detecting bone density. This data is helpful for assessing general health, determining the risk of problems from obesity, and tracking changes in body composition over time.
  4. Monitoring the effects of treatments and interventions – Dexa scans are used to track the results of treatments, including hormone replacement therapy, lifestyle changes, and medicines that are intended to improve bone health. Frequent scans can be used to monitor changes in bone density and assess how well a treatment is working.
  5. Detection of other conditions – Occasionally, additional disorders impacting bone health, such as osteomalacia, hyperparathyroidism, and specific malignancies that may result in bone loss, can be identified by Dexa scans or X-ray near me. The results of the scan can help diagnose some illnesses and direct future assessment and treatment.

It’s crucial to remember that each person’s situation and risk variables determine whether a Dexa scan is necessary. A Dexa scan’s suitability will be assessed by medical professionals, taking into account variables like age, sex, medical history, and clinical indications.

When is a Woman Suitable for a Dexa Scan?

The disorder known as osteoporosis thins your bones, making them more brittle and prone to fracture. A normal aspect of ageing is a decrease in bone mass. Since postmenopausal women are more likely than males to develop osteoporosis. When you first go through menopause, experts recommends that you get your first bone mineral density test or Dexa Scan. That’s when your bone density rapidly plummets. Additionally, at this time, mammograms are growing in popularity. Finish those studies so that your overall health is taken care of.

Thus, your greatest option if you’re thinking, “Where can I get a Dexa scan near me?” is going to experts. There are forty authorized Dexa Scan labs in India, and ours is one among them. Our cutting-edge technology and first-rate facilities prioritise accuracy and dependability. Our physicians are skilled in doing the Dexa Scan and are able to explain the findings clearly and concisely to you. Come in whenever it’s convenient for a quick and reasonably priced Dexa scan!

Connect with Carescan for The Best Dexa Scan

For people looking for exact bone density measures, it’s imperative to comprehend the Dexa scan. Beyond just bone health, its precision and adaptability also provide information on body composition. Dexa scans offer useful information for medical diagnostics and preventive healthcare interventions with little radiation exposure, promoting well-informed decision-making for general well-being.

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